Monday, December 30, 2019
In Fences by August Wilson - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1253 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: Fences Essay Did you like this example? In Fences by August Wilson, Troy has the internal clashes of managing wild conditions. Racial isolation and bad form for him and his family play a major effect on his life causing a great deal of challenges for the family. In such a significant number of ways Fences is such a customary story, to the point that its capacity originates from the manners by which normal individuals hear and see it. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "In Fences by August Wilson" essay for you Create order There is no uncertainty however that the illustration of the fence wins, working its way crosswise over work, family, fellowship and the passionate torment of carrying on with an actual existence truly reliant on junk for survival. This is the thing that Wilson expounded on in his Fences of the 1950s. Everything considered, in any case, it doesnt take a great deal to put a portion of these pieces together once more to make its very own distinction story sorts of wall, wooden, social, monetary. Be that as it may, at that point or now, this story is still about the conventional fizzling of a man who cant make sense of how to escape the container that encompasses him and who along these lines winds up pulling others inside his own fenced in inconveniences and torments. Being a dark man wasnt simple at that point and it is difficult today. August Wilsons Fences was focused on the life of Troy Maxson, an African American man loaded with sharpness towards the world due to the cards he was managed in life in the midst of the 1950s. In the play Troy was raised by a heartless and harsh dad, when he needed to wind up a Major League Baseball player he was rejected as a result of his race. Troy even served time in jail since he was devastated and required cash so he burglarized a bank and wound up killing a man. Troys life was definitely not simple. In the play Troy and his child Cory were advised to construct a fence around their home by Rose. Usually learning that wall are utilized in one of two different ways: to keep things outside or to keep things inside. In the play when Cory and Troy battle, Troy shows Cory out of the house saying, Cory: Tell Mama Ill be back for my things. Troy: Theyll be on the other side of that fence. (Henderson) It is in this specific entry that Troy utilizes the fence physically to speak to the isolating line among Cory and him, yet more explicitly the enthusiastic hindrance hes put among him and his family. Troy grew up with a harsh dad which makes his total passionate negligence towards his family consistent. On the off chance that the man that raised you instructed you keep your passionate monitor up even with your family, you would most likely treat your family a similar way that Troy treated his; with finish enthusiastic disregard and dismissal. The fence filling in as obstruction could likewise symbolize Troy attempting to shield himself from feeling too profoundly towards things which could wind up baffling him or as of now have. Regardless of being advanced as the principal black truck driver at his activity, he cant overlook how race shielded him from accomplishing baseball notoriety. Nonetheless, Troy can assemble a reasonable life for his family. Troy is a solid character; however his own shortcomings wind up devastating what he should esteem most, his family. All through the play, there is center around building a fence around the Maxson home; this fence turns into a similitude for Troy and different individuals from his family. While the play is set around building a literal fence, the true focus is on the metaphorical fence for each character (OReilly). For example, when Troy ended up enthusiastic about turning into a Major League Baseball player he endured extraordinary frustration when he was rejected due to his race. It was this life exercise that strengthened Troys childhood of enthusiastic negligence towards things he could develop to either need, love, or feel energetic about like his family and companions. Troys reasoning in building the fence was that in the event that you dont grow an enthusiastic connection to something, it cant hurt you, and he remained by logic till his passing. The fence additionally wound up emblematic of the obstruction Troy needed. Troy needs to manage numerous racial limits for an incredible duration. Despite the fact that he gets an advancement at work when he goes up against them on the shade of the truck drivers, Troy cant give up to the job that race has played in his life. He is reluctant to see that while things may not be immaculate, a few things have changed. Troy additionally sees the fence as an approach to keep somebody from taking what is his. He even undermines passing on the off chance that he crosses the fence. In the showdown, Troy says, Alright . . . Mr. Death. . . Im gonna take and build me a fence around what belongs to me. And then I want you to stay on the other side (2.2) Troy makes one more fence when he has an unsanctioned romance. The issue makes a limit with Rose and further extends the break among Troy and Cory. Disregarding all that Troy has continued through his life, the limits he makes inside his family keep him from really having the capacity to carry on with an upbeat life. Roses currently makes a fence that avoids Troy as much as possible. As it were, Troys unfaithfulness gave Rose an approach to get back her very own bit character. After Troys affair, Rose finds her strength in the church (OReilly) She enables Troy to remain, and when his paramour kicks the bucket amid labor, Rose brings up his tyke as her own. Be that as it may, she keeps on avoiding Troy as much as possible. In spite of the fact that she cant keep her family entire, she makes that best of her circumstance. When preparing for Troys funeral, it is Rose who forgiveness for Troy and to remember his good qualities (Overview). lan Nadel trusts that Wilson is putting forth a substantially more political articulation with the similitude of a fence. He sets up his contention with the attestation that. the idea of a fence is inextricable from the idea of property (Nadel). He proceeds in this vein, connecting property to people, connecting people as a type of property to the times of slaveholding. He at that point says that one of the human beliefs of opportunity was in possession; responsibility for. He expresses that in past occasions, Race or skin color was just such a fence. It served to separate blacks from humans, denying blacks the properties of humans and giving to humans property rights over blacks The boundaries were less clear, the fences less sturdy (Nadel). Nadel trusts that lawfully, the Dred Scott choice and the Fugitive Slave Law chose that property rights were all inclusive while human rights were neighborhood. The Mason Dixon line came about because of the Missouri Compromise and was disregarding the fifth change. Along these lines, Nadel states that, these laws and decisions mandated that the humanity of blacks be treated as a metaphor, while their non-humanity-their condition as property-be treated as literal (Nadel). The fence at that point, in August Wilsons Fences, as per Nadel, was the contradicting states of mind held towards blacks amid these occasions, that their opportunity was, not literal but figurative and that.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Ptsd Is The Abbreviation For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is the abbreviation for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The general classification according to the DSM-V is 309.81 with an Axis I. This disorder is no longer classified as an anxiety disorder rather it is now classified as a trauma and stressor related disorder. That means anyone who experienced (direct exposure), witnessed or was confronted with an event that they might have feared for their life, and or caused serious injury to them, such as a sexual trauma event like rape. This can happen to anyone at any age, it is not just a soldierââ¬â¢s disorder and it haunts them for a very long time. In order to be diagnosed with PTSD there is a criterion that they use to evaluate or meet the individualââ¬â¢s needs for treatment. Theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦That is why the soldierââ¬â¢s had changed their behavior according to Da Costa. These are also considered some of the symptoms in PTSD today. Another name that people are familiar with came about during World War I, a nd that was shellshock. This battle was fought with high air pressure artillery that exploded when fired. The reason they called it this is because they thought that when the soldierââ¬â¢s had been exposed to the shells exploding it cause them to have a concussion from the brain being rattled inside of the skull and that is what caused their behaviors and symptoms. Then came World War II .A new name called ââ¬Å"combat fatigueâ⬠or ââ¬Å"combat exhaustion.â⬠The reason for that is because after the first war they screened may people so the weaker ones would not pass and would not be sent out to fight. Even though they did this the soldierââ¬â¢s still came back with severe behavior and mental issues and would be discharged from the service. It was not until after the Korean War and the start of the Vietnam War that Psychiatrists started looking at the behaviors and issues that surrounded them. The term PTSD did not show up until the 80ââ¬â¢s after the Vietnam War . The American Psychiatric Association who writes the DSM which stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders added this disorder to the manual to help professionals understand it and how to treat the individual that was seeking help. This disorder was not discovered by one person it is
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Exercise 31 Free Essays
1. What are the two groups whose results are reflected by the t ratios in Tables 2 and 3? The two groups are pre-test and 3-month measures and pre-test and 6-month measures. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Exercise 31 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Which t ratio in Table 2 represents the greatest relative or standardized difference between the pretest and 3 months outcomes? Is this t ratio statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. The t ratio for Total risk score represents the greatest relative or standardized difference between the pre-test and 3 months outcomes because the value of t test statistics is bigger than any other group. This ratio is statistically significant because the p-value corresponding to this group is less than 0. 05. 3. Which t ratio listed in Table 3 represents the smallest relative difference between the pretest and 3 months? Is this t ratio statistically significant? What does this result mean? The t ratio for Stress management the smallest relative difference between the pre-test and 3 months because the values of t test statistics is smaller than any other group. This ratio is not statistically significant because here the p-value is bigger than 0. 5. This result depicts that there is no significant difference in the stress management at pre-test and after 3 months. Stress management is same at pre-test and at 3 months. 4. What are the assumptions for conducting a t-test for dependent groups in a study? Which of these assumptions do you think were met by this study? The assumptions for conducting a t-test for dependent groups in a study are the data for both group should be normally di stributed and the groups are correlated with each other. The groups are correlated because the same measurement is taken over from the same subject at pre-test, 3 months and at 6 months. There are 25 subjects in this study and out of 25, 21 have completed the study, it means that the data is enough to conduct the paired sample t test. Also the data should be continuous and this assumption was met because the data is obtained on a interval or ratio scale. 5. Compare the 3 months and 6 months t ratios for the variable Exercise from Table 3. What is your conclusion about the long-term effect of the health-promotion intervention on Exercise in this study? We can see that the magnitude of the score value is larger at 3 months and levels off at 6 months, thus we conclude that over time the long-term health-promotion intervention on Exercise in this study has less of an effect than in the short-term. 6. What is the smallest, significant t ratio listed in Table 2? Provide a rationale for your answer. The smallest significant t ratio is 2. 03 for variable Cholesterol at 3 months. This ratio is significant at 5% level and this is smallest among all other significant t ratios. 7. Why are the larger t ratios more likely to be statistically significant? The larger t ratios are more likely to be statistically significant because it takes a larger difference between the treatment and comparator with smaller variation. The larger the t ratios the more confident we are about our results. In terms of mathematics, the 99% of the observation for t distribution falls between -3 and +3. So if the t ratio lies outside these values we are more likely to get significant results. 8. Did the health-promotion program have a statistically significant effect on Systolic blood pressure (BP) in this study? Provide a rationale for your answer. No, the health-promotion program do not have a statistically significant effect on Systolic blood pressure (BP) in this study because at both end points such as 3 months and 6 months, the p-values are bigger than 0. 05, so we can conclude that the health-promotion program do not have a statistically significant effect on Systolic blood pressure (BP). 9. Examine the means and standard deviations for Systolic BP at pretest, 3 months (completion of the treatment), and 6 months. What do these results indicate? Are these results clinically important? Provide a rationale for your answer. The mean and standard deviation for Systolic BP for pre-test is 121. 7 and 14. 6, for 3 months the means and standard deviations is 117. 2 and 12. 3 and for 6 months the mean and standard deviation is 115. 6 and 13. 4. These results are clinically important because we can see that the mean Systolic BP is decreased after 3 months and after 6 months. The treatment is effective in lowering the Systolic BP as the time passes. In a long run, these results can be significant. 10. Is this study design strong or weak? Provide a rationale for your answer. The design for this study is strong because the there is only one group and we want to see whether there is any significant difference or reduction in some measurement after receiving the treatment or therapy. This design serves the purpose of the study. The only drawback in this design is that there is no blinding of treatment. Table 2 *p 0. 05. aPaired t-test results between the pretest and 3-month measures. bPaired t-test results between the pretest and 6-month measures. Table 3 *p 0. 05. aPaired t-test results between the pretest and 3-month measures. bPaired t-test results between the pretest and 6-month measures. How to cite Exercise 31, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Pervasion of Bullying through Digital Medium
Question: Discuss about thePervasion of Bullying through Digital Medium. Answer: Introdution Jamey Rodemeyer was a 14-year-old boy from New York who was taunted for being gay. He was teased for being different than the other boys. He was victimized and aggressively treated online (Boyd, and Marwick, 2011). He was taunted from many of his peers. He decided to end his life after he felt that no one listened to his pleas. Jamey was different he repeatedly reaches out and seek help. This is not the case at all times. Teenagers start to define themselves based on their peer approval and assume they have the tools to control the situation. They do not seek the help of the adults esp. the parents. The teenagers start to feel that they are powerless in these kind of situation and try to handle the issues by themselves (Hinduja and Patchin, 2010.). In these cases, they do not make the right choices. Megan Meier was 13 years old when she decided to take her own life by hanging herself in the bedroom closet. Megan was suffering from attention deficit disorder and depression with regards to her weight. She befriended a person called Josh Evans in an online portal (Maag, 2007). After a few weeks Josh started to become cruel towards Megan. He started saying the world would be a better place without you. Other students also posted disturbing messages to Megan. She decided to take her life in October 2006 before her 14th Birthday. These cases are not isolated incidents. Not all bullying victims choose to end their life. But they have the emotional marks of being abused throughout their life (Beran, and Li, 2008.). These cases of Jamey and Megan are symbolization of the larger issues. The roots of the bullying represent the larger factions of the society. Many teenagers are victimized for being different from their peer groups. According to the statistical figures and data documentation 25% of the teenager report that they have experienced some form of bullying in their digital tools such as phone or the internet. 52% of the young people state that they have been the victim of bullying online. 11% of the adolescent teens report that they have embarrassing or damaging pictures of themselves online. These pictures are mostly taken without the consent or the knowledge of the party. Many of these victims still do not speak about their issues. This leads to the daunting task of identifying the impact these bullies cause on the victims to prevent any unwarranted actions. The reasons for the young people to consider ending their life is a really sad situation. They need to have a better handle over the situation They feel powerless and assume that they have no control over their life. In this case there should be laws protecting the victims and preventing the bullies from victimizing. In the current times the people are using internet more than ever. There has been an ubiquitous use of technology in the recent times. The people like having constant access and mediums to voice their opinion. The internet is not a simple or a convenient way to have fun. It has become a large part of the social life. The email and the chatting with friends are a common phenomenal. To address the issues of cyber bullying the issue of bullying need to be addressed. Bullying has always existed in the schools and colleges. It has been a critical issue for the schools and colleges over decades. The bullys use violent behavior that is physically abusive or taunt the victims with words (Campbell, 2005). The so called reasons for the bully is to gain peer approval. They consider themselves superior by being a bully to others. By demonizing and teasing another person they start to form bonds with the members of their own group. This form of teasing allows the bully to gain friendships. This is the main reason for the bullies to taunt their victims over the period. The advent of the social mediums and internet has led to easier documentation of bullying (Gradinger, Strohmeier, and Spiel, 2009). In the past times there were no real evidence to state that a person was being victimized. When the victims comment to the adults they often consider it a small issue or a non-issue. Some of the parents assume that this would lead to the kids being strengthened as stronger adults. More often than not the adults tend to dismiss a conflict that hurts the sentiments of the teenagers (Willard, 2006). The drama has been considered as a frivolous. The instigators think that this act of bullying is harmless fun but they have dire consequences. Intervention for teenagers should be directed towards making them empowered. From analysis of many news stories and cases from across the world it is can be seen that cyber bullying has emerged as a major problem. The issue with cyber bullying is that it is discarded as a teenagers melodrama. It was considered as a drama that encompasses the issues of minor teenagers problem, makeup, gossip and breakups (Garaigordobil, and Martnez-Valderrey, 2015). This bullying is considered to be nothing but a drama of the teenager. It is dismissed by the adults. Rather it is a protective mechanism for the adults or the law to deal with this issues. They discard the hurt sentiments of the teenagers and this leads them to feel powerlessness. This issue of bullying has increased manifold owing to the development of technology. It is now easier to harass someone over the Internet. This has grown in the case of cyber bullying. There is a lot of mind games that is involved in bullying. It makes the other person feel like a pariah. These verbal assaults and posting of negative issues also causes the same harm as school yard bullying. The people from many portals use their voice to tease a person. These bullying cases are sadly not limited towards the younger population. The adults are also experiencing these forms of derogatory comments. They are made to address these comments and the people form judgements. The advent of social media has caused the people to voice their opinions and at the same time use these opinions to create division in the society. The legislation and the laws should protect the people from being victimized. There should be some mandates by the government to ensure that the people are protected from these vicious attacks. There should be stronger laws and stringent actions that should be taken by the government in these cases. The government should provide the tools for the teenagers to protect themselves. The government can develop more hotlines or online mediums to report the attacks anonymously. They should protect the victims in the society. These teenagers are actually victims to the larger issues that is pervading the society. The only way to address bullying is by protecting the victims by stringent laws and educating the younger generation to empower themselves. They should be encouraged to voice against the bullies and they should be protected. To achieve this paradigm, the teachers, parents, student councilors and the government should develop integrated efforts to empower and educate the young popula tion from being victimized. Cyberbullying is a complicated issue. The adults esp. the caregivers and the parents need to educate themselves with the recent developments in technology (Kowalski et al., 2012). They need to find ways to address these issues. They should work with the children and talk to them to explain the ways in which they can protect themselves from being victimized. The adults need to understand the issues of cyberbullying and the law needs to catch up with the issues of bullying. Words have a physical and emotional impact. Bullying causes deep emotional disturbances for the people (Bazelon, 2013.). The goal of the parents and the law should be directed towards intervention at the moment of the children being victimized. The focus should be directed towards the teenagers cultural frame and empathy. The interventions should be a practice followed by the teachers and the law to develop confidence in the teenagers. They should not consider themselves to the oppressed or the oppressor. They should rather focus on the expanding their horizons and developing confidence. To conclude, cyberbullying is an issue that needs to be addressed and all the members of the society should work towards to helping one another. The rising technology also has given rise to its own set of challenges. They should be addressed tactfully. This should be addressed to create a safer environment for all people. Reference: Bazelon, E., 2013. Defining bullying down.New York Times,12. Belsey, B., 2005. Cyberbullying: An emerging threat to the always on generation.Recuperado el,5. Beran, T. and Li, Q., 2008. The relationship between cyberbullying and school bullying.The Journal of Student Wellbeing,1(2), pp.16-33. Boyd, D. and Marwick, A., 2011. Bullying as true drama.The New York Times,22. Campbell, M.A., 2005. Cyber Bullying: An Old Problem in a New Guise?.Australian journal of Guidance and Counselling,15(01), pp.68-76. Garaigordobil, M. and Martnez-Valderrey, V., 2015. Effects of Cyberprogram 2.0 on" face-to-face" bullying, cyberbullying, and empathy.Psicothema,27(1), pp.45-51. Gradinger, P., Strohmeier, D. and Spiel, C., 2009. Traditional bullying and cyberbullying: Identification of risk groups for adjustment problems.Zeitschrift fr Psychologie/Journal of Psychology,217(4), pp.205-213. Hinduja, S. and Patchin, J.W., 2010. Bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide.Archives of suicide research,14(3), pp.206-221. Kowalski, R.M., Limber, S.P., Limber, S. and Agatston, P.W., 2012.Cyberbullying: Bullying in the digital age. John Wiley Sons. Maag, C., 2007. When the bullies turned faceless.The New York Times,16. Slonje, R. and Smith, P.K., 2008. Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying?.Scandinavian journal of psychology,49(2), pp.147-154. Willard, N., 2006. Cyberbullying and cyberthreats.Eugene, OR: Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use.
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